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Independence Day Resurgence


As the Fourth of July nears, satellite engineer David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) investigates a 3,000-mile-wide mother ship that's approaching Earth. Fortunately, 20 years earlier, nations across the world started to use recovered extraterrestrial technology to develop an immense defense program. When the alien invaders attack with unprecedented force, the U.S. president, teams of scientists and brave fighter pilots spring into action to save the planet from a seemingly invincible enemy.

Movie Review:

Independence Day Resurgence” is the sequel to the first movie, “Independence Day”, and continues where the first one left off telling the story how the humans defeated the aliens. Now, 20 years later, the aliens come back to destroy earth. In my opinion, this sequel arrives 20 years too late—the beginning is mind-numbing, the middle is uninteresting, and the end is unexciting. The new young characters add nothing to the success of this movie. They include--Liam Hemsworth as Jake Morrison, a U.S. pilot serving as a lieutenant in ESD; he does nothing but yell annoyingly throughout the movie. Next is Maikie Monroe as Patricia Whitmore, the former First Daughter, Jake's fiancée, and Dylan's childhood friend; she is literally dull in every scene that she’s in. And then there is Jessie Usher as Will Smith’s character’s son from the first movie; he is just unlikable. The script is also poorly written. The dialogue and plots are not believable, pointless and un-relatable to the audience. When a sub plot develops involving Liam Hemsworth and Jessie Usher’s characters, it doesn’t work at all because the characters, themselves, are unbearable to watch on screen. Brett Spiner plays Dr. Brakish Okun who awakens 20 years later from a coma. His performance is awful and over the top. The only actors worth talking about in this movie are Jeff Goldbloom and Bill Pulman. They pull you in to the lives of their characters and make you care about them. There are, also, some cool CGI moments that captivate the audience and make you yearn for more action, especially when the aliens start their invasion on earth; but there aren’t too many of those moments in this film. To be honest, there is an overabundance of unimportant CGI scenes, senseless sub-plots and boring characters that you don’t care about that makes this film hard to watch. Do yourself a favor and just skip this one. I am giving “Independence Day Resurgence” a 1 out of 5 stars.

Check it out on Amazon.

Director: Roland Emmerich

Cast: Jeff Goldbloom, Liam Hemsworth, Bill Pulman, Jessie Usher, and Maikie Monore

Runtime: 122 minutes

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