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Assassin's Creed


Cal Lynch travels back in time to 15th-century Spain through a revolutionary technology that unlocks the genetic memories contained in his DNA. There, he lives out the experiences of Aguilar de Nerha, a distant relative who's also a member of the Assassins, a secret society that fights to protect free will from the power-hungry Templar Order. Transformed by the past, Cal begins to gain the knowledge and physical skills necessary to battle the oppressive organization in the present.

Movie Review:

Assassin's Creed is another adaption of a popular video game franchise and once again fails in every thing it is trying to do. Assassin's Creed is directed by Justin Kurtzel and is trying to make a separated storyline from the video games and a new one with new characters that you don't care really care about and it is really boring. The only thing good about this movie is the action scenes are pulse pounding exciting and fun to watch When Cal Lynch goes into the animus and travels back in time to 15th century Spain it is really fun to watch. But are these sequcenec are only in the film for about 3 scenes. The three main lades of the film Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons are fine and trying therre best to act with a bad script but they are felt wasted. Most of the film is just walking around, boring dialogue scenes with Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard talking about nothing that important. Also Jeremy Irons has nothing to do but be the evil corrupted business man that felt cheesy. most of the supporting cast are wasted as well like Brendon Gleeson and Michael K.Williams. The whole storyline feels rushed and confusing that I couldn't tell what was going on most of the time. And most of all it is boring so boring I was bored after the first 30 minutes which was disappointing. It was also confusing to follow when Lynch travel back in time in the animus but then it will cut back into the present where Lynch is reacting of what he is experiencing in the animus which felt confusing and rushed. After the first two acts are just boring the third act is anti climaxed epically the ending it just ends. Assassins Creed is another failed Video game adaption that had a talented director, cast and some entertaining action scenes but is let down by boring dialogue scenes and a confusing ending. I am going to give Assassin's Creed a 1 out of 5 stars.

Director: Justin Kurtzel

Cast:Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson, Michael K. Williams, Ariane Labed, Charlotte Rampling, Denis Ménochet and Callum Turner

Runtime: 115 minutes


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