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King Arthur Legend of The Sword


After the murder of his father, young Arthur's power-hungry uncle Vortigern seizes control of the crown. Robbed of his birthright, he grows up the hard way in the back alleys of the city, not knowing who he truly is. When fate leads him to pull the Excalibur sword from stone, Arthur embraces his true destiny to become a legendary fighter and leader.

Movie Review:

"King Arthur Legend of The Sword" is directed by Guy Richie and is based on the legend of King Arthur and how he became king. When Arthur's father was filled he was robbed from his birthright and grows up in the back alleys of the city before he knows who he truly is. This movie is an enjoyable fun fantasy adventure movie even though I thought some of Guy Richie's style didn't really work. Charlie Hunmam was really good as King Arthur he finally had a leading role in which he had personalty, was really funny and was really good in his action scenes. Most of the supporting cast was good with the material given to them like Astrid Berges- Frisby, Djimon Housou, Aiden Gillen and Eric Bana were are entertaining as there characters. Even though I thought Jud Law was fun and entertaining as the villain Arthur's Uncle Vortigern sometimes he was over the top and you don't get his motivation and he felt like he was just evil. I enjoyed the first and second half more then the first half the third act in my opinion was a mess to CGI heavy and felt like I was watching a video game instead of a movie. The biggest problem with thid movie is that I thought Guy Richie's style doesn't work in an epic fantasy sword and sanders movie which it felt out of place. Guy Richie also tried to put some magic elements into the film and sometimes it does work but most of the magic elements were wasted. There are a few enjoyable action scenes in the movie including a street chase, and escaping scene in which Arthur was going to get executed but he escaped and went with the restance fighters. The film was boring the first 10 minutes of the film. King Auther Legend of The Sword is an enjoyable fun movie with a few good action scenes but the convoluted third act, an over the top villain and the style of the film was all over the place that it felt like two different movies at times In which I cant really watch this movie again. I am going to give King Auther Legend of The Sword a 2 out of 5 stars.

Director: Guy Richie

Cast: : Charlie Hunmam, Astrid Berges-Frisby, Djimon Hounsou, Aidan Gillen with Jude Law and Eric Banna

Runtime: 126 minutes

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