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Blade Runner 2049


Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new blade runner for the Los Angeles Police Department, unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. His discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former blade runner who's been missing for 30 years.

Movie Review:

"Blade Runner 2049" is the sequel to Ridley Scott's Si-fi masterpiece "Blade Runner". I can happily say that this movie is a worthy sequel to the cult classic, and Denis Villeneuve has done it again making a visually striking film that blew me away from start to finish. This movie follows Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new blade runner for the Los Angeles Police Department, who discovers a long- buried secret that leads him to track down a former blade runner Rick Deckard who's been missing for thirty years. This film is one of the best looking films of 2017 — Roger Deakins' cinematography is phenomenal and it pulls you into the world that Ridley Scott created 35 years ago. I can't believe that he has not won an Oscar for his work since Scott is one o

f the most talented cinematographers in this business right now. Ryan Gosling is the star in this movie and he plays the new blade runner, Officer K. He is great in this movie as the lead as he effortlessly transforms from a cold to charismatic character. One of his best scenes in this movie is when he discovers something in his past and he has a mental breakdown. The chemistry between K and Joi (Ana de Armas) was amazing and they worked well together; a slight spoiler here — you find out that K is a replicant and Joi is an artificial intelligence model and they are both not human. The villains in this movie are Niander Wallace (Jared Leto) and his replicant assistant named Luv (Sylvia Hoeks). Jared Leto was good as the villain but he wasn't really in the movie a whole lot. He only had 10 minutes of screen time which disappointed me because he is a great actor. The real villain in this movie is Luv the replicant who is after Deckard (Harrison Ford) in the film. She was terrifying and intimidating as the villain and she was the stand out actress in this movie as she stole every scene. Harrison Ford returns as Deckard, the old blade runner in the original film and this is Harrison Ford's best role in years. If you are expecting Harrison Ford in the entire movie, don't get your hopes up because he is only in the film for 20 minutes. But when he is on screen, he dominates every scene he is in and I hope he gets nominated for an Oscar this year because he was amazing in this movie. This movie is written with exciting twists and turns that makes it feel like an investigation and a Noir type thriller and I loved that about this movie. The only problem that I found I didn't like about is that it is long; 2 hours and 43 minutes and they should have cut 20 minutes so that it doesn't drag a bit in the second half of the movie. "Blade Runner 2049" is one of the best sequels ever made and it is one of the best Si-fi movies of this year and it is visually breathtaking to watch. I am giving "Blade Runner 2049" a 5 out of 5 stars.

Director: Denis Villeneuve

Cast: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Sylvia Hoeks, Edward James Olmos and Jared Leto

Runtime: 164 minutes

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