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Blade Runner


Deckard (Harrison Ford) is forced by the police Boss (M. Emmet Walsh) to continue his old job as Replicant Hunter. His assignment: eliminate four escaped Replicants from the colonies who have returned to Earth. Before starting the job, Deckard goes to the Tyrell Corporation and he meets Rachel (Sean Young), a Replicant girl he falls in love with.

Movie Review:

"Blade Runner" is directed by the legendary Ridley Scott and is one of my favorite cult Science Fiction classics since its release in 1982. What Ridley Scott did with this film is that he combined the elements of true sy-fy with noir style and made it feel grounded in reality. The main hero in this movie, Rick Deckard is played by Harrison Ford and he gives one of his best performances in his long Hollywood career. As a leading man, he brings a sense of humanity to this iconic character and he leaves an impression as the best Blade Runner in the LAPD. Most of the supporting cast is great like Sean Young who plays Rachel, a Replicant who Dekard needs to kill but can't because he falls in love with her half way through the movie. I personally loved their on screen chemistry together and I understand why Dekard falls for her right away. Sean Young brings a subtle but heartbroken performance as Rachel even though she has a very dark and complex past. Every classic film needs a good villain and you got one with Rutger Haug who plays the leader Replicant, Roy Betty. His character just wants to live longer because Replicants only live for 3 years and you get his reasoning. He has a combination of charm and intimidation and captivates the audience which proves he is one of the best science fiction movie villains of all time. His monologue at the end of the movie gives me chills every time I watch it. Edward James Olmos has a small role in this movie and is also really good. The action scenes are excellent with lots of violence and edge of your seat suspense. This film was shot with a great deal of colors and vibrancy making you feel like you are part of this alter-dirty future of 2019. The action is fantastic but the story is also very compelling; it makes you interested in the characters like Dekard, Rachel, and even the villain Roy Betty. "Blade Runner" is one of my favorite movies and is a testament of true sy-fy. If you are a movie fan, see this classic film. I am giving "Blade Runner" a 5 out of 5 stars.

Director: Ridley Scott

Cast:Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young and Edward James Olmos

Runtime: 117 minutes

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