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Deadpool 2

Synopsis: Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool meets Russell, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage. When Russell becomes the target of Cable -- a genetically enhanced soldier from the future -- Deadpool realizes that he'll need some help saving the boy from such a superior enemy. He soon joins forces with Bedlam, Shatterstar, Domino and other powerful mutants to protect young Russell from Cable and his advanced weaponry.

Movie Review:

"Deadpool 2" is directed by David Lynch and is the second film after the first successful movie just called "Deadpool". The second film is bigger, dirtier, and laugh-out-loud funnier than the first film. With lots of forth wall breaks and pop culture gags, this movie is entertaining from beginning to end. Ryan Reynolds once again is born to play Slade Wilson/ Deadpool and brings a lot of his own funny, charming personality to this role (and he also got some writing credit for this movie, too). With some new characters like Cable, a Cyborg who is from the future is portrayed by the talented Josh Brolin with subtle humor and awesome action scenes that annoy Deadpool. Another new addition to the cast is Zazie Beetz as Domnio and she was fantastic as this character—in my opinion, she stole the show. Her chemistry with Ryan Reynolds was genuine, filled with hilarious dialogue, and exciting action scenes. And her comedic timing with him was perfect and fun to watch which made me wish we had more screen time with her. All the cast members returned from the first movie: Morenna Baccarina who plays Vanessa, Slade's girlfriend, and again, they have great chemistry with each other, even though she is only in the movie for one scene. And Leslie Uggames' (Blide Al) interactions with Ryan Reynolds were just hilarious. David Lynch, director of the John Wick movies, knew how to balance comedy and action to make a perfect movie and I loved it. In my opinion the action scenes are better than the first film; they are thrilling to watch. This movie is full of cameos from huge Hollywood actors who all added humorous performances. One of my favorite parts of this film was the end credits scene. It was so funny that I almost fell out of my seat laughing. There are a few problems in the movie. Julian Denson, the kid who Deadpool protects from Cable didn't really impress me; his character was whiney and boring. Also I thought T.J. Millar was just not funny in this one. He was just recycling jokes from the first one and most of his jokes fell flat which was disappointing because I am a huge T.J. Millar fan. Lastly, there isn't really a major villain in this movie. There are minor villains but they are not the focus of the movie. "Deadpool 2" is an outrageous parody of the super hero genre combined with surprising heartwarming moments and a worthy successor to the first one. I am giving "Deadpool 2" a 4 out of 5 stars.

Director: David Lynch

Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz, Brianna Hilderbrand, Morenna Baccarina, T.J. Millar, Julian Dennison, Stefan Kapicic and Leslie Uggames

Runtime: 119 minutes

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