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The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Synopsis: John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) summons chaos theorist Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) to his home with some startling information -- while nearly everything at his Jurassic Park had been destroyed, his engineers happened to have a second site, where other dinosaurs were kept in hiding. It seems the dinosaurs on the second island are alive and well and even breeding; and Hammond wants Malcolm to observe and document the reptiles before Hammond's financiers can get to them.

Movie Review:

"The Lost World Jurassic Park" is the second movie in the Jurassic Park series and is once again directed by Stephen Spielberg. And of course, one of my favorite characters is back on screen as Dr. Ian Melcom played by Jeff Goldblum. He is so memorable as this character and always brings his charm and likeability to this role. "The Lost World" is an entertaining blockbuster movie that is well directed but fails to recapture the magic of the first classic film. There are some aspects that I liked about this movie. I especially enjoyed the first and second half of this film when it takes place on the island. And I really liked some of the new characters that were added like Dr. Sarah Handling, Ian's girlfriend, played by the talented Julianne Moore. Moore never disappoints in any role she plays and brings her girl-next-door personality to this part. Another new character is Owen played by Vince Vaughn who adds his comedic wit to some of the funniest scenes in this movie. Ian Malcolm introduces his daughter Kelly Curtis played by Vanessa Lee Chester. Her character performs a silly gymnastics stunt in one of the scenes which could have been edited out of the movie and nobody would have missed it. I can't say enough about Stephen Spielberg. He knows how to direct a movie. All of the action scenes are intense and so realistic. There is one in particular that involves a T-Rex that pushes a trailer containing Ian Malcolm, Sarah and Owen off a cliff and they are hanging on for dear life—very powerful scene. I did not like the villain in this movie, Peter Ludlow played by Arlis Howard. He tries to steal some dinosaurs to put them in a San Diego park. Howard's performance was flat. The third act also killed the movie for me when it turns into a remake of Godzilla in which a T-Rex gets loose and wreaks havoc on the city of San Diego. It was boring and ran on too long, I tuned out and couldn't wait for the film to end. "The Lost World" is a fun but uneven film that feels like two different films that fails to capture the thrill of the original movie. I am giving "The Lost World Jurassic Park" a 3 out of 5 stars.

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Postlethwatie, Vince Vaughn , Arless Howard and Richard Attenborough

Runtime: 129 minutes

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